Most popular services
About the Council
From committee meetings to spending plans, this section has a wide range of information about the Council
Find out about the benefits available to Hart residents and how to claim
How to pay your business rates and the support available for Hart businesses
You'll find Hart a welcoming and vibrant community, whether you already live in the district or are thinking about relocating here
Council Tax
Find out how to pay, apply for refunds and manage your account online
Countryside and leisure
Discover our countryside sites, find out about volunteering opportunities and how we keep Hart clean and tidy
Explore topics and services that help to make Hart a safe and pleasant place to live, such as food safety, flood prevention and tackling climate change
Advice and support for homeless people, landlords, homeowners, renters and people looking for somewhere to live
Licensing and permits
Apply for and renew licences, permits or certificates and view licensing applications submitted to Hart District Council
Parking and roads
Car parks, parking permits, parking fines and links to information on roads
Planning and building control
Information about planning applications, building control, neighbourhood planning and more
Voting and elections
Check if you're eligible to vote in Hart and how we conduct elections and record the results
Waste and recycling
From recycling services to bins and bulky item collections, find what you need from our rubbish and recycling service