
Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

8 September 2022

Chairman of the Council, Cllr Jane Worlock, said:

"On behalf of Hart District Council and the residents of Hart District, I express our deep sadness at the passing of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.

New housing data supports Local Plan

1 September 2022

The protection of Hart’s towns and villages from inappropriate development has been further strengthened by new data on future housing supply.

Pets at risk from fake licence scam

23 August 2022

Following reports of fake animal licences on social media, dog owners are urged to make sure that anyone who offers a home boarding service is legally allowed to look after their pets.

New development standards to encourage sustainable travel

18 August 2022

Hart District Council has approved new planning guidance for new developments that will support the shift to more sustainable modes of transport.

The aim of the new advice is to achieve sufficient and well-designed cycle and car parking with new developments, encouraging a shift towards more sustainable, active travel.

Looking after our countryside during a drought

16 August 2022

The temperatures this summer have been exceptionally high and a drought has been officially declared across Hampshire.

The effects of the heatwave remain even with the cooler weather expected this week.

Here is some helpful advice from our Countryside team to protect our wildlife and stay safe:

New Electric Vehicle Chargers coming to Hart

10 August 2022

In its commitment to fight climate change, Hart District Council has approved the installation of Electric Vehicle (EV) chargers across Hart. The project will provide an expected 36 public charge points, both rapid and fast chargers, across the district in council-owned car parks for residents and visitors to use.

New neighbourhood plan for Yateley

8 August 2022

A new neighbourhood plan for Yateley, Darby Green and Frogmore has had final sign-off from Hart District Council.

This followed a resounding success at referendum on 30 June 2022 with 2,185 votes in favour of the plan (91%) and just 210 against (9%).

Shapley Heath Audit Review

27 July 2022

On 26 July 2022, Hart District Council’s (HDC) Audit Committee met to consider the internal report commissioned to review the procedures and governance of the Shapley Heath Project, which explored one of the potential options to meet future housing demand in the district.

£100K grant for innovative environment project

27 July 2022

Hart District Council has been awarded a £100,000 grant from the Natural Environment Investment Readiness Fund (NEIRF). The funding is awarded to innovative projects that tackle climate change and drive private investment in nature.

Hart’s funding will be spent on tasks including:

Fleet Pond retains green flag

26 July 2022

Fleet Pond Nature Reserve has been recognised by the Green Flag Award Scheme as one of the very best in the UK. The Pond joins Hartley Wintney Central Commons and Elvetham Heath Local Nature Reserve to claim this award for the 11th year in a row.