Evidence base

An evidence base is a collection of information we use to support planning policy

We use our evidence base to inform and support the preparation of planning policy. It can also be relevant when we consider planning applications.

Please contact us if you need any of the following reports in a different format at planningpolicy@hart.gov.uk


Five-year housing land supply

Please note that the Council does not currently need to demonstrate a five-year supply of land for new homes, by virtue of the new National Planning Policy Framework December 2023, paragraph 76, i.e. the Hart Local Plan 2032 is less than five years old (it was adopted April 2020) and it identified a five-year supply of housing land at the examination.

Housing delivery test

The government’s housing delivery test is a percentage measurement of the number of net homes delivered in an area against the number of homes required. It covers a rolling three-year period.

Our housing delivery test measurement for Hart in 2022 was 207%. This represents 1,746 homes delivered in Hart against a requirement of 842.

Specialist housing for older people

Strategic housing market assessment



Employment Land Review

Retail, leisure and town centres study

Please contact us if you would like to view either of the following documents:

  • Retail, leisure and town centres study 2015 part 1
  • Retail, leisure and town centres study 2015 part 2


Renewable and low carbon energy

North Hampshire renewable energy and low carbon development study 2010


Hampshire character assessment

Landscape Assessment 1997

Flood Risk


Infrastructure delivery plan 2018 - contact us if you would like to view this document


Authority monitoring report

Authority monitoring report 2022/23


Settlement hierarchy 2010

Urban characterisation and density study

Appendix 1 - Fleet settlement area

Appendix 2 - Odiham settlement area

Appendix 3 - Hook settlement area

Appendix 4 - Hartley Wintney settlement area

Appendix 5 - Blackwater settlement area

Appendix 6 - Yateley settlement area

Fleet Town Access Plan

You can view the Fleet Town Access Plan on Hampshire County Council's website.