Types of election

We're responsible for a wide range of elections and referendums

We run elections for:

  • Hart District Council
  • Parish and Town Councils in Hart District
  • Hampshire County Council
  • Police and Crime Commissioner
  • Parliament

Hart District Council

Hart District Council has 33 councillors who represent 11 areas, known as wards.

You can find the names and details of your local councillors on our district councillors page.

Parish and Town Councils

You can find out more about the Parish and Town Councils on our town and parish councils page.

Parish and Town Councils hold elections every four years.

Hampshire County Council

Hampshire is divided into electoral divisions. These are like our wards, but much bigger, and each has one councillor.

Five county councillors cover Hart. You can find the name and details of your county councillor on our county councillors page.

Hampshire County Council holds elections every four years.

Police and Crime Commissioner

Police and Crime Commissioners are elected every four years.

You can find contact details for your Police and Crime Commissioner at other local representatives page


There are two Parliamentary constituencies covering Hart – Aldershot constituency and North East Hampshire constituency.

You can find contact details for the Members of Parliament at other local representatives page

Fleet Business Improvement District

The renewal ballot for the Fleet Business Improvement District was held in March 2022. The report of voting by business rate payers of the Fleet BID is available to view.

Neighbourhood planning referendums

Neighbourhood Planning enables communities to draw up a Neighbourhood Plan for their area. It is intended to give people more of a say in the development of their local area.

Our neighbourhood planning page has more information.