Self-build and custom-build housing

About the self-build and custom-build housing register

We keep a register of people or associations who are seeking plots of land in Hart for self-build or custom-build housing.

The register helps us track demand for self-build and custom-build homes. You don’t need to be on the register to self or custom-build. However, if you are registered we may be able to inform you if suitable sites become available.

However, registration does not guarantee that a suitable plot will be identified or become available. 

The register has two parts:

  • part 1 comprises local demand for plots. You must meet all the eligibility criteria, including a test to demonstrate your connection to the area.
  • part 2 comprises general demand for plots. You must meet all eligibility criteria except the local connection test.

You can read the criteria for the local connection test and financial resources test in the self-build and custom-build eligibility conditions guidance note.


To register you must:

  • be aged 18 or over
  • be a British citizen, a national of a European Economic Area State other than the UK, or a national of Switzerland
  • satisfy our local eligibility criteria
  • have paid the relevant fee required to enter or remain on the register
  • be seeking (alone or with others) to acquire a serviced plot of land in Hart for your own self-build or custom-build project
  • have sufficient resources to purchase land for your self-build or custom-build project (see guidance note above for details)

A group of people who wish to register as an association must appoint someone to act as the lead contact. An association is eligible for entry to part 1 if each member meets all of the above requirements.