Hampshire County Council has agreed to progress their bid to join the Government’s Priority Programme for devolution and develop proposals for the reorganisation of the county’s district and borough councils.
As part of the proposals, a Mayor would be elected in the spring of 2026 to head up a new Combined Authority incorporating Isle of Wight Council, Portsmouth City Council and Southampton City Council.
Alongside devolution, Hampshire County Council will progress with developing proposals for local government reorganisation in the area. The intention is to replace the current two-tier council system, which is in place across most of the region including Hart, with a number of new unitary councils. This aims to simplify how councils are organised and run. Proposals for local government reorganisation need to be submitted to Government by autumn 2025.
As part of the devolution proposals, Hampshire County Council have asked for the County Council elections, due this May, to be postponed for 12 months. The Leader of Hart District Council, Councillor David Neighbour, has written to Jim McMahon (Minister of State for Local Government and English Devolution) asking that these elections go ahead as planned.
The letter to the Rt Hon Jim McMahon MP reads:
Dear Mr McMahon
Firstly, can I congratulate the new government on pursuing real devolution through the creation of Combined Authorities throughout England. Whilst I believe the jury is out on imposing directly elected Mayor's, I understand your government's strong desire to have these single points of contact.
On the subject of postponing the Hampshire County elections in May this year, Baroness Taylor has made it clear that postponement is not a precondition to the priority list. The County however has insisted that it must apply.
I think for many of us democracy delayed is democracy denied, and I would ask that ministers decide to allow the people of both Hart and Hampshire to renew our continuing governance with the scheduled elections in May this year. I look forward to hearing from you in February as to the plan and criteria moving forward so that we can get on with both renewing the people’s mandate whilst preparing for the next phase of Local Government Reorganisation.
Yours sincerely
David Neighbour
Hart District Council