Looking after our countryside during a drought

The temperatures this summer have been exceptionally high and a drought has been officially declared across Hampshire.

The effects of the heatwave remain even with the cooler weather expected this week.

Here is some helpful advice from our Countryside team to protect our wildlife and stay safe:

  • Keep dogs out of ponds – hot weather can cause algae blooms; be vigilant and look out for blue-green algae. As a precaution it is safest to keep your dogs out of the water (even though we know they will really want to go in!) We will endeavor to put signs up to warn owners where we can.
  • Don’t feed the birds bread – uneaten bread in the ponds can attract bad nutrients and increase the likelihood of an algae bloom. Where possible use wildfowl seed or suitable alternatives like peas.
  • If you see dead fish or fish gasping for air– Report this to the Environment Agency on 0800 80 70 60
  • There is no fishing on any of our countryside sites as this activity also adds extra nutrients to the ponds.
  • No BBQs in the countryside - consider a picnic instead and please take your rubbish home with you (especially cigarette butts and glass)
  • Practise water conservation at home even if your area does not yet have a hosepipe ban. Check if there are any restrictions in place for your area: Southeast Water Postcode Checker

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