It’s count week for Odiham residents!

Odiham residents are being reminded to put their Greening Campaign cards in their windows this week for the big count! The count will involve volunteers walking every road of Odiham between Monday 31 October and Sunday 7 November to count every house that has displayed their Greening card – confirming that they have completed at least five out of eight carbon reducing activities. A calculation will then be made to find how much C02 the community is saving all together.

The Campaign aims to encourage and support local people to take easy and straightforward steps to reduce energy, save money, reduce waste and help to create a ‘greener’ community. Even if you don’t live in Odiham or North Warnborough, the actions are still relevant and could save you £500 a year.

The actions residents can choose from are:

Action Annual Saving* Annual Saving Kg CO2
Turn off lights when leaving a room (non-LED) £14 25
Replace all bulbs with LEDs £35 65
Turn off all standbys £60 60
Air dry clothes (on a line or airer) £35 65
Boil only the amount of water needed £60 12
Turn the thermostat down by 1°C £80 325
Reduce shower time by 1 minute £70 35
Go vegetarian an extra day a week £189 563


*monetary values are changing rapidly – these figures are slightly higher in some cases than those on The Greening Campaign cards which were printed in September. All values are taken from the Energy Saving Trust website.

Councillor Angela McFarlane, Odiham Parish Council says of the campaign “we are excited about our Greening Campaign in Odiham and North Warnborough. Together, we can make a huge impact on climate change and save money at the same time. Don’t forget to show us your cards from the 31st October!”

If you live in Odiham or North Warnborough and have lost your card, you can download one here. If you have a long drive, please tie something green to your gate or some other signal to show you have joined the Greening Campaign. You can collect a free ribbon from The Stitching Room in Odiham High Street.

Odiham Parish Council launched the ‘Greening Odiham and North Warnborough’ campaign at a successful launch event in October. The event showcased the eight climate change actions that were voted in by the community to reduce their carbon footprint. It was supported by local schools, businesses, Beavers, Brownies and Scouts, the Sustainability Centre and U3A volunteers who are all passionate about the Greening Campaign.

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