Homelessness advice

Tell us if you see a homeless person

Members of the public can help by telling us about anyone you think might be sleeping rough. Do this by: 

  • telephoning our Housing Solutions team during office hours on 01252 774239 (office hours only) or emailing dutyhomelessness@hart.gov.uk
  • if you are concerned about a person who you think may be sleeping rough outside of office hours, you can contact Housing Services on 01252 774477
  • you can also report a rough sleeper through the Streetlink website

If you have concerns about the welfare and safety of an individual, especially if you are reporting them as a rough sleeper outside of office hours, then you should also inform the police on telephone 101. 

During certain times of the year, we operate a severe weather emergency protocol to ensure that no one sleeps rough within the district during times of extreme weather.